Halfway through writing that last blog about holidays, I realized I needed a whole new entry to properly explain Russia Day.
As you just read, we have bad luck with Russian holidays and Russia Day was no exception. But, I tried to ignore the fact that we really need an answer on the second apartment that we've picked out. (even though our contract has been waiting for approval for over a week now...) And instead, I wandered to Red Square to see how people celebrate this holiday. I told a friend of mine here that I was headed that way and she promptly responded cheerfully, "Have fun! Watch out for protestors!" This, of course, made me laugh, and also made me desperately want to find said protestors.
I think I found them. Let me explain.

I walked to a park that was lined with metal detectors and military personnel. Lots and lots of military personnel. I walked all through the park and in the end, I walked right past a major protest without knowing it. I guess I was looking to hard to see what was in front of me. Either that, or the media has sensationalized all of these protests that have been going on. According to one news report I read here in Moscow, protestors claimed to have 100,000 people in attendance to protest Putin in power, but police report 22,000 and another source said 10,000. I imagine that these protest leaders are so passionate about these protests that when people start showing up, the say to each other, "Look at this!! There must be 1,000,000 people here!!" Then the police report a smaller, group that is large enough to make them look tough, overworked and underpaid. I don't know who gives the lowest number. Cranky Babushkas who watch them invade their park, probably. I found the picture online and I have no idea how I missed this. I told a friend of mine about the experience and she said that she's not sure about the legitimacy of these protests. She said that most of the time news stations use stock video and photos and the clips that they show may not even be in Russia at all...

After being disappointed by not finding the protestors, I continued on the Red Square, where surely they were celebrating somehow. And I was getting hungry and I figured I could snack on some street food once I got there. But by the time I got there, they weren't letting anyone in. Everything was blocked off and they were only letting in military. And, get this, there were even MORE military personnel here! Where are they coming from?
In all seriousness, it is a pretty crazy time here in Russia. No cause for alarm, these large protests are very peaceful. (It's the soccer fans that get crazy...) I'm not here to talk Russian politics. I really don't know too much about it. But I do know that they passed a law banning protesters of any number, punishable by large fines ($5,000+ USD) And some top protest organizers had their homes raided by Russian police on the Monday before Russia Day. It's an interesting time to be in Russia, to say the least.
I did stop and get some Kvas, a traditional Russian drink. It tastes kind of like prune juice beer, but its non-alcoholic. Well, it's maybe 1% alcohol content because it's fermented rye bread, but thats practically a kids drink here. Sarsaparilla would probably be the closest equivalent you could find in the States if you really want to try it. Hubs tried it and did not like it one bit. I, on the other hand, knew I wouldn't like it and prepared myself for the worst-tasting beverage, only to be pleasantly surprised.

Other than that, Russia Day was kind of a letdown. I was hoping to experience the culture and pride of Russia, but was severely dissapointed. Unfortunately, I think the day was one big near-miss. Apparently, Red Square was blocked off because they had a huge commemorative concert, and the protest made it on the BBC News that night. I went to the food court in the mall and had a piece of pizza at Sbarros. Not very Russian, except for the keg beer served at all the food court eateries, including Burger King, KFC and Churches Chicken (or Texas Chicken here in Russia...) but I didn't even do that!
Cheers to the near-misses and the stories not seeing them creates.
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