It's partly our dumb luck. We're magnets for it, in case you haven't noticed. And luckily for us, we think it's all pretty hilarious. But, you can't help but wonder what the universe is thinking when every...single...deadline falls on a holiday.
It started when Hubs went to Russia for the first time to do the medical testing for his work permit. The company had to schedule his flight literally the night before because Christmas was coming up, and after that, Russia has the month of January off. Technically, it's only the first ten days, but we have confirmation from office staff that since January boozefest is so crazy, they don't get anything done while they're out of the office or the first week they're back. I've named this week "recovery week" and its an in-office holiday. I'm certain its celebrated by making the rounds to cubicles throughout the office, swapping stories and hangover cures. I wouldn't be surprised if they had vodka hour in the break room that week.
So, applying for our first visa over a month-long holiday pushed our time back a bit.
Then, we're so close to getting our visa, we have collected all of our paperwork, filled out the application and the day we go to send everything to the consulate is a holiday. International Women's Day. This is a predominately Communist holiday, apparently (I looked it up on Google...) but I'm not sure what happens except no work. Of course, this year it fell on a Thursday, which means they also took Friday off. And we were left waiting again.
We made it to Russia in March and we lucked out with the holidays for awhile. March and April, when we really didn't need anything done in a hurry, didn't have any non-working holidays. (Not even Easter...)
And then May. May 1st is International Workers Day and no one works, but they take to the streets and protest work. Putin even joined them out there this year. Which is crazy, because if he's protesting his job, he should probably just step down. It doesn't seem like people like him much right now around here. This holiday landed on a Tuesday this year, so Monday was also listed as a non-working holiday.
Then came May 9th, Victory Day! Everyone loves Victory Day here. They pass out ribbons in the street for weeks before, the whole city cleans up and repaints everything to look nice and every other day, they take the tanks out for a practice run before the big parade down the main highway leading to the Kremlin. It really is a pretty cool experience. We missed the actual day because we were in Dubai, but we caught a practice run and watched some videos on YouTube. Victory Day is celebrated in many countries in Europe, but on May 8th. It's the day Nazi Germany surrendered, ending the Second World War. People remember and recognize WWII vets, expressing their thanks with flowers, wreaths, marches, and fireworks galore. Victory Day fell on a Tuesday this year and, you guessed it, Monday was also listed as a non-working holiday.
We found out the day after Victory Day that employees here in Russia work on Saturdays to make up for their weekday holidays. Helpful information had it come the week before. I don't blame them for keeping that hush-hush to the rest of the world. I'm sure everyone's main project on Saturday workdays is to avoid work. It would be for me, thats for sure.
This week was Russia Day. A day that celebrates Russia claiming independence from the USSR. It's kind of like their Fourth of July. I found out that it was originally called the Day of the Adoption of the Declaration of Sovereignty of the Russian Federation. But they renamed it. It fell on a Tuesday this year. I'll give you one guess as to what people here did on Monday...
Cheers to holiday. And the day sometime in the future when we will be able to appreciate them.
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